reach a compromise

美 [riːtʃ ə ˈkɑːmprəmaɪz]英 [riːtʃ ə ˈkɒmprəmaɪz]
  • 达成妥协;达成和解
reach a compromisereach a compromise
  1. They are meeting in Lusaka in an attempt to reach a compromise .


  2. Negotiations are under way to reach a compromise .


  3. Encourage your child to reach a compromise between what he wants and what you want


  4. Article 51 The two parties may reach a compromise of their own accord .


  5. I think it 's best if we reach a compromise .


  6. The two sides failed to reach a compromise conclusion .


  7. Can the two sides reach a compromise ?


  8. Let 's lay aside our differences and try to reach a compromise .


  9. It now appears willing to reach a compromise .


  10. She was critical of the country 's politicians for not being able to reach a compromise .


  11. I 'm hopeful that we can reach a compromise .


  12. Often , the goal is to reach a compromise between business and operational needs with the recovery mode chosen .


  13. Unless the union and the management can reach a compromise on pay , there will be a strike .


  14. The results show that land vertical management system reform consists of two steps because the local and central government reach a compromise result from benefit game .


  15. Only then can the parties to the dispute negotiate to reconcile their differences to reach a compromise .


  16. If moderates fail to reach a compromise , the extremists will dominate the agenda .


  17. Analysts agree that , unless the two countries can reach a compromise , it will be difficult to create a successful new climate-change treaty .


  18. Failure to reach a compromise until lawmakers returned from their summer recess in September would have shut down hundreds of airport construction projects .


  19. We can come together for the good of the country and reach a compromise ; we can strengthen our economy and leave for our children a more secure future .


  20. He also urged the two sides to reach a compromise and issued a veiled invitation to Microsoft to renew its bid for the company .


  21. But in the 20 years of the post-Cold War they have realized that only cooperation could achieve win-win outcomes and they reach a compromise on foreign aid to Africa .


  22. In short , both parties had accepted a stalemate and were willing to reach a compromise which meant money in the pockets of their respective merchants .


  23. SEIA urged the government to reach a compromise with Chinese manufacturers that would allow continued imports while providing some relief for companies with US factories that have complained of illegal competition .


  24. The meeting ended in disarray after India and the US failed to reach a compromise over the special safeguard mechanism , designed to protect farmers in poor countries from surges of agricultural imports .


  25. Athens seems to be betting that its creditors will want to reach a compromise to avoid the huge unknowns that could arise if Greece defaults or possibly leaves the euro .


  26. However , uniform substantive law in a certain sense is a difficult process to reach a compromise through gaming . The establishment of a comprehensive system of civil liability for international environmental tort could not be accomplished overnight .


  27. President Obama said Monday he hopes that the Standard & Poor 's downgrade will inject a renewed sense of urgency for a yet-to-be-formed bipartisan congressional committee to reach a compromise .


  28. Gazprom will supply Ukraine with gas that has been paid for in advance from today , the Russian state-controlled energy giant said on Monday after failing to reach a compromise after crunch talks in Kiev .


  29. In order to reach a compromise agreement as soon as possible , the judge will persuade the plaintiff voluntarily sacrifice the interests . Sometimes regardless of the actual situation of the parties , they will mediate blindly .


  30. Automatic spending cuts kicked in when Republicans and Democrats could not reach a budget compromise .
